Wednesday, September 2, 2009

One Last Blessing

It's four in the morning and I've been up for the better part of an hour. I love this time of day. It is my hour of peace and rest unmarred by earthly care. For some reason, my thoughts always seem better honed and more clear at this time. My emotions are more crisp and I can more easily identify thier roots.

For the better part of this hour, I have been feeling an emotion that I didn't remember ever feeling is a mixture of happiness and sadness and anticipation and worry...all of my emotions seem to be mixed with its counterpart; except one...pride.

Today is the day that my last child, my daughter leaves for college. In just a few short hours, she will step out of my door and, when she crosses that threshhold one last time, her status will change. She will no longer be a permanent resident under my roof. At 3:00 this afternoon, my Sarah will take her fledgling flight into this world.

Oh sure, she will return to my home from time to time but these will always be temporary visits. When she returns, I will be painfully aware of the ticking clock that will take her away from me again. Although she will always be welcome here for as long as she wishes, if things go according to the grand design, once she leaves today, she will only have temporary residences until she finds and makes one of her own.

For the last week or so, my wife has been urging me to find the time to give our daughter her traditional father's blessing before she goes off to school. I have, to her vexation, been putting it off. I don't think that she realizes what she's asking me to do or she wouldn't be quite so frustrated with me when I procrastinate exercising my patriarchal franchise.

Whenever I ponder this blessing, the realization hits me that this could very well be the very last blessing of comfort that she seeks at my hands. The possibility is very real that she will meet someone else to whom she will look for comfort in a priesthood blessing and, when I lay my hands on her head this afternoon, I might very well be passing off the baton to someone I don't even know yet but, somehow, don't like very much right now.

Sometimes our thoughts and feelings take us down a path that seems almost if the course for them has been laid by a divine hand...and that's what is happening to me this morning because, as I sit here and steep myself in this melange of emotions, it occurs to me that these feelings would not be possible were I not a parent...this is exactly the kind of thing that Heavenly Father wanted me to experience...this is what is referred to as "a growing pain".

All for this mixture of emotions that could be experienced in no other way (and others like them) a Heavenly Being created this world and sent me to it. Because he wanted me to return, he devised a plan wherein his First Born in the spirit and Only Begotten in the flesh would take upon himself my sins...all of that effort so that I could sit here at four in the morning and nourish myself with this wonderful bittersweet emotion. And now I have to add one more feeling to the mixture.

I don't know when I've ever felt more loved.


  1. Again . . . so beautiful. If it helps at all, I asked my dad for a blessing the day before I left for my mission and the day before I got married. I also asked him for a father's blessing when he came to visit a couple of years ago- not for any big event, but just because I needed a blessing from my dad. Hopefully, your daughter will meet an amazing guy and he will treat her like the queen she is. But you will always be her dad and no one can replace you.

  2. Absolutely beautiful. Our last just started high school. But the fact of the matter is that 4 have already left. With the first ones it doesn't quite sink in that they are basically gone. You tell yourself that they'll be back and you hold onto that--that's probably a good thing. But by the time you're winding down, getting to the last ones, you know better. What happened to the days when they were younger teenagers and this day couldn't get here fast enough!

  3. Thanks again, Tom. I share your emotions. Our oldest is just about to fly the coop. So many things I wanted to do for him, I just can't seem to force myself to do. Nothing seems enough. Couldn't be happier that he's doing what is right, and that he is well enough to go and do it. Couldn't be more thrilled that the Lord has called him to His work. Thanks for reminding me that I am blessed by a divinely loving perfect father who wanted me to feel sll these feelings!
